shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:40

Presume you've tried a few head cleaning cycles....

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:41

Tried a few of those. Its only on this I think. everthing else looks ok but I'll try some photo images tomorrow. It could be the paper althogh its decent quality gloss. I've got some matte on the way. But if I fiddle with the settings in Elements regarding paper type etc it does chnage the quality.

Reason for looking for a new printer is that mine is 4 years old so due for a change anyway. I'll stick with he Pixma inks at first

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:42

Let me know if you want to try a "deep clean" as I think I have a nozzle/head cleaning kit for Epson that you can have a go with

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:42

Thanks Jim. I'm beginning to suspect the head. Just tried a nice sharp image from the British museum and the whole image has lines. Very subtle but there. I'll try a few more head cleans and I was going to get a set of Epson Claria Ink cartridges which are very good but if I end up changing the printer that would be a waste. They do have a habit of cleaning heads by accident but I have some cotton buds and Isoprophyl. I'll let you know tomorrow, thanks

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:42

I found the kit to be a more thorough approach as it allows you to forcibly flush through the heads with the solution while you have effectively blotting paper underneath the nozzles and aftrrballowing it to soak you can move the transport across and back to wipe and dislodge stubborn blockages - I will have a hunt and see what I have just in case.....

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:43

You can use warm Isoprophyl but as I went to clean the heads I got the message about Ink pad at the end of its service life see Epson service agent. For a 4 year old printer that otherwise is working OK I need to spend £120 on a repair to replace what should be a consumable. No thanks. How can they build in obsolecence like that as they have also stopped the issue of the utility that resets the "counter" therefore forcing people to use a service agent, which incidently mine is 150 miles away !

They even declare that people should look to buy a new printer and provide a link to their sales page. This is all worng isnt it ?

Anyway JL have a offer including dicounted multi pack ink from Canon. So I bought a TS9150 with 2 years warranty. Gets good write ups for photo image quality. It says the quality will "enhance your photos" as in improve I suppose. Better send one to CFC1 ? 

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:44

As I went to clean the head I got the terminal message about ink pad at end of service life. Take it to a service agent. Nearest one to me is 150 miles away. What a joke. You can remove the ink pad bottle if you know how but Epson in another blackmail approach have stopped issuing the counter reset utility. So the printer is effectively useless unless you pay £120 to fix it. I suppose there are some websites that will sell the utiliy=ty but really. This cant be legal..... or at least shouldnt be. The printer is working OK or would have been if I could clean the head.

This is deliberate built in end of life because a waste ink bottle is full. Ridiculous. However the printer is 4 years old so today I bought a Canon TS9150 from JL which has it on offer with discounted ink with a 2 year warranty. Great reviews on photo quality so stuff you Epson.

By the way reviews say the quality improves your photos. Better get one to CFC1 then..... desperate measures and all that 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:45

Of course there's a third party ink pad reset utility.....

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:46

There is... but given the age and hassle a new printer was called for. I got the money from your holiday money jar...... 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:47

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