Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:01
Stationary objects don't make too interesting time-lapse sequences *rolls eyes*
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:01
...don't think I mentioned timelapse - I was obviously correct - you just don't get it. ....
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:01
Keep up dear. This is time-lapse thread. I appreciate its in the photography forum which you believe you are the top authority on but maybe give yourself a break for a change 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:01
I would like to point out that I find your last post both rude and offensive and I would have expected better from a moderator on AVF....... 
If I can be bothered or think that it's worth the effort and you might be capable of understanding the ideas my analogies were meant to illustrate then I may consider explaining it tomorrow ..... But I doubt that will be my assessment given your performance to date.....
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:02
So, my "egg timer" style hasn't arrived yet but my Gear Grip Movie Maker 2 has.
The whole thing works really well, the rotation on a tripod works well, there are 9 speed settings.The dolly motion (either time lapse, or on the faster movement normal video) seems good too.It works vertically, horizontally and diagonally.
I'll try and have a proper play tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:02
Well, I managed to take the Movie Maker 2 out on the weekend on a walk with the kids, unfortunately I did not get to use it too much due to some unforeseen events.
I managed to take it out today and have a quick play and am very happy with its performance.
I hooked it up to a tripod without using the supplied tracks as this allows rotation at up to 9 speeds and will keep rotating until it runs out of battery ( approx 2 hours ).
The rotation worked well with my phone attached and a 550D with a 10-20mm lens.
On the track it worked great with my phone and with the 550D and a 50mm lens ( didn’t try the heavier 10-20mm, the slr only really worked horizontally and at a slight incline, the phone worked both horizontal and vertical.
Not sure I am going to have a lot of use for it, but hopefully will get a few time lapses in the French countryside at the end of the month.
It was a bit more expensive, but pretty well made.I may end up get the wheel set for it too but wish those were included in the set
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:02
Is it a remote area of France? Light pollution at night?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:02
It’s Passais, Orne.It my parents place, there is virtually no light pollution as it’s a small village.
I am hoping to take my telescope too.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:03
Why not attempt some night sky time lapses too? I nailed the milky way in spain once. Was in the mountains but even there we had light pollution.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:57:03
Really good idea, I’ll be taking all my gear so hopefully I can get some shots ( although quality may vary  )
Need to find some stuff to read up on Astro photography.