Stearman65. Very odd. Sensor size should not come into play as 25mm eq should look the same width wise whether on a 1/2.3" sensor or full frame sensor, that's the whole point of talking in 35mm/FF equivalence  Aha, I think I've found the answer. The FZ1000 is only 27mm at the wide end in the 4:3 aspect ratio, to get 25mm at the wide end it has to be set to 3:2 aspect ratio so I'm guessing those finding the FZ1000 not as wide as the FZ150 are shooting in 4:3. I shoot at 16-9 ar, & the difference to the FZ150 is quite pronounced.
Stearman65 Focal length at 16:9 is 26mm and at the wide end 1mm can make quite a bit of difference. I wouldn't call the difference between 25 and 26mm significant but it is noticeable. Obviously YMMV
/proxy.php?image= I had almost 6 years out of my 150 with lots of close up images, so I think I can speak from experience. Unfortunately it would appear that I can't add my Flickr Vimeo or YouTube account URLs until improve my status where you might be able to see for your self. I didn't keep the 150 when I bought the 1000 so I can't demonstrate with like for like images.
Stearman65. Sorry, I'm not arguing with you just trying to make sense of it. There's obviously something else going on, and I was just trying to point out that it is the effective focal length/FOV that matters not the sensor size  You bumped a two year old thread for that?