camera won’t turn on, not sure if charger or battery is dead
i have Fujifilm finepix SL1000, I bought it second hand and has been working fine, but haven’t used it in a few months, I went to use it but it wouldn’t power on, I put the battery in the charger thinking it just needed to be recharged and plugged the charger in but doesn’t appear to be charging (I think there’s an indicator light on it but nothing lights up to indicate if it’s charging or not.any idea if it’s the camera, battery or the charger?
Thanks in advance,
-Terry Any fuse in the charger plug? It’s one of those small chargers that go directly into the wall outlet, so no obvious place for a fuse (otherwise that’s the first thing I check) I tried using a figure of 8 cable that’s hidden by different country adapters that I know works but no light to indicate a charge, so I don’t know if it’s the charger or the battery.
Ideas? But another third party charger from the bay or Amazon... Cost about £8 then try the battery......
Ice Dont suppose you own a cheap multimeter that you could use to check the charger output connectors? Have you tried a moongoom battery? ????  Argh maybe that's the wrong name!
It's the black and white one and the packet has a panda throwing a frisbee(or something) on it.
Definitely foreign.