Global shutters not too far away.
This has been the holy grail for silent shooting and mirrorless in particular. I didn't expect it so soon, and whilst it's not there yet this suggests that it will not be far away, much sooner than I was expecting it anyway. No more jello effect and the ability for HSS without loss of light maybe. We might even see the end of banding. With this, and the introduction of Canikon into the mirrorless market we are in for interesting times I think.Wow folks! Sony announced the world's first 20 Megapixel Four Thirds format Global Shutter sensor! Will it be used by the new Olympus OMD? - 43 Rumors Isn't global shutters not too far away like fusion power not too far away.
Both have been not too far away for years and years;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Lots of posts on that site noting that this sensor is not designed for photography. The linked pdf notes monochrome sensor for industrial use. The sensor is shown as 4:3 but has a square pixel array: 4432 (H ) × 4446 (V) pixels rather than the 18 mm × 13.5 mm (22.5 mm diagonal) rectangular sensor used in M4/3.
It's intended use is for factory automation, surveillance, road traffic enforcement cameras, and APNR.
Of more possible interest is the 31MP APS-C RGB sensor but this is also for industrial use. Sadly that 43 rumors post just seems clickbait. Pass, I don't profess to know the tech inside out, but from what I can gather this is quite a big step closer? Possibly, possibly not. Sony lists a lot of new global shutter sensors at Products Image Sensor for Industry | Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation
But the one you refered to is square 4:3 (1:1) and while it conceivable this could be cropped to get a M4:3 sensor it's still monochrome. Which is why I said the 31MP APS-C RGB global shutter was of more interest.
Can't be arsed to do the calculations but a square sensor with a round image onto it, then with a rectangular crop of that image circle is going to be quite small MP wise when all is done. Unless rather massive vignetting comes into fashion (or a range of square lenses is released to go with it);base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 How many years is it that site has been predicting a global shutter is imminent?I think it was the GH2 that was the first one that was confirmed as having a global shutter...