TaurusDevil Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:27

Canon EOS 350D Lens

I dropped my camera earlier today, then found out later that i'd smashed the lens.  Whereabouts would i get a new one from??

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:28

Hi sorry to hear! The kit lens for the 350 was an 18-55 EFS if I remember correctly - is this what you mean?If so they are still available to buy new or used from most photo stores and online.probably about 50 pounds or less used for the older version that came with the camera.

TaurusDevil Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:29

Yes the 18-55 EFS. Just looked on Jessops, £214! 

Ugg10 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:29

There are 3 version of this lens IIRC - the original 18-55, the version II of the same and then the latest 18-55 STM IS.

Loads available from places like London Camera exchange second hand (from a shop for peace of mind)-

Second hand cameras, camera part exchange, digital cameras UK, used cameras, photographic shops, England

If you want an upgrade then have a look at the Sigma 17-70 OS F2.8-4. This has a slightly longer lens (more magnification), is marginally wider but most importantly has a bigger aperture fro low light work and to put the background out of focus. It is slightly sharper going on the reviews as well.

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:29

The 350D is a fairly old model and the "kit lens" that was bundled with it will be plentiful used as people will have traded them in.
You can buy a used lens with a warranty for a lot less than that.
Camera Jungle are part of Jessops.
Search - Canon Camera Lenses - Camera Jungle
Used DSLR Lenses | Wex Photo Video
Used Canon Fit Lenses

There are others too just I've used these 3 myself.

You could also post in the classifieds here and there may be someone with something suitable sitting in a drawer.
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