Aaron Macarthy Beards Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:22

NEWS: Full-frame Panasonic cameras and Leica lens ‘Alliance’

Leica and Panasonic are aiming to take on Sony and Fuji in the mirror-less 35mm camera market.
Read the news.

Mitchell38 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:23

And there we have it - 2 amazing panasonic S series cameras.
LUMIX S series - Panasonic
I have a fujifilm apsc but at this moment I would consider Panasonic (Nikon and Canon still not mature in mirrorless).

I still think Panasonic design sucks but tech they came a long way from being "a brand behind Olympus".

Would I buy it? 75% yes because I want to wait for Sony reaction 
Sony A7 II (not III) has still tempting specs Sony Alpha 7 II digital camera | ▤ Full Specification

Next year I hope we will see next Canon and Nikon and then it might get even more interesting.
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