Creating photos to play on a dvd player?
Yesterday I used windows 10 burner to burn somwe photo's on a Verbitem DVD to play in a dvd player. When I attempted to play them in my dad's dvd player the first photo came up but all the rest didn't. A notice coming up said error. /proxy.php?image= I do something wrong? I didn't choose usb, but chose CD/DVD section when burning. This is frustrating, I'm not technically minded. I could see the photo's tiled on the TV screen, but they wouldn't play. /proxy.php?image=
So Now my next question is would one of these photo editing programmes work better?
Sony Vegas
Nero platinum
Many thanks. How does the DVD look when you put it in the PC, can you see a list of image files or do you see folders like AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS? On my dad's tv it comes up as tiles but won't play whenI click on them How to Copy Photos to a CD or DVD in Windows 10 - dummies Thanks very much  I'm asking what happens you put the DVD back into the PC you produced it from, open My Computer and then open the DVD drive and see what it shows.It should either show as the photos themselves or as a pair of folders AUDIO_TS or VIDEO_TS.
The reason I'm asking is there's different ways to burn a DVD, the first is simply as data so the disc works similar to a USB drive and the files are there to be browsed as normal.It sounds like you may have done it this way and the DVD player is trying to show the files but it doesn't support them which isn't unusual as those sort of devices are usually very specific in what they can read.DVD is getting pretty old these days and the resolution is very, very low at around a third of a megapixel so photos of several megapixels can be far beyond what they can handle.
The other method is to make a DVD video out of the photos so the DVD player just seems the disc as a normal DVD and plays the files, this option is usually a bit more difficult to do though.Sony Vegas can make DVDs like this but I can't remember if there's a user friendly way to do it as I find the DVD software in the Sony software is quite manual. heres a slideshow maker that can be burnt to DVD ( freeware )
Download Photostage Slideshow Software- MajorGeeks
it enables you to compile a slideshow with music and different transitions
once you have compiled you slideshow burn to DVD it should play on most DVD players