Garrett Publish time 2-12-2019 06:47:58

Old Icons Persisting On New Shots

I have an Olympus C-765 and sometimes when I move pictures out of it and take fresh photos the new photos show up as the old pictures in the icons, although moving them onto my computer the icons now become the pictures I've just taken.
I wonder what the problem is is the card still storing some detail, and not wiping it or is something wrong with the camera, although the pictures are perfect. Or some other reason?



Peakoverload Publish time 2-12-2019 06:47:59

Sounds like you aren't downloading them and then reformatting the memory card and instead cutting them from the memory card and then pasting them to your computer. This will leave the thumbnails (assuming you are shooting in jpeg) and the camera will then use the same file names for new photos but associate them to the old thumbnail of the same name.

You should reformat your memory card after downloading your photos to your PC as that will also erase any thumbnails associated with them.

Garrett Publish time 2-12-2019 06:48:00

Does that mean I have to reformat my card every time I move pictures to my computer? Which I don't want to do as Im both keeping some on the card and also take a few picture reguly and instantly move to the computer.
I also find sometimes it does use old thumbnails and sometimes new ones.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:48:01

Can you describe in more detail exactly the process that you follow to copy the photos from the camera to the pc?

I think that if you copy them over - as opposed to "move" them from the camera - and then delete the ones that you do not delete the ones you don't want to keep on the card from the camera it should keep itself tidy....

Garrett Publish time 2-12-2019 06:48:02

I open a folder on the computer, then lasso the ones I'm going to use and move them to the folder on the computer. then there a blank space showing where photos were on the card. But next time I take pictures and look on the card they sometimes show what I moved of the card as a thumbnail not what I just took although if I click on them the right pic will pop up but the thumbnail on the card will remain the same.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:48:03

OK but are you doing this with thpe camera connected or by putting the memory card in the pc?- or is it a mac?

Garrett Publish time 2-12-2019 06:48:04

with the camera connected to the PC

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:48:05

Might be worth downloading and trying the Olympus Master software and see if it handles the photo moves properly?
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