Vlogging camera for 11 year old
Good morning everyoneI am after recommendations for a Vlogging camera for my 11 year old son.
Budget is £200 as joint Christmas present.
Flip outscreen preferable but open to ideas.
Doesn't have to be brand new.
Are the ones on amazon at £90 any good?
Thanks Pretty much anything will work including a smartphone.If he has a smartphone then probably nothing else is needed.If not then there are lots of sites with vlogging camera recommendations - look for the budget and most important features for what he wants to do film. You can check out this blog about cameras under £200:
9 Best Digital Cameras Under $200 in 2018 I have no idea what a vlogging camera is, my 11 year old has a smart phone and does WhatsApp etc with photos (is that what it is), but she is really keen to have a "proper" camera (compact type), does the same apply as above or is there better (say up to £250.00) as it is a minefield to start in
I come from 35mm and Canon A1 etc etc when it was relatively straightforward......  Try the Camcorder Forum for moving images.
FWIW; It may be worth splitting the vLogging into "taking" and then "Editing" - That way, as parent, you have some control over what goes out.( It may help improve the presentation too.)
Once taken you can both review the footage and almost certainly some improvement will be obvious, cutting out "noises off"mistakes and any long pauses in speech.
Bear in mind that the budget-end of cameras are not necessarily the easiest to use..... and may not drive a spare TV as monitor. Having a camcorder with a flip forward LCD that can help, but trying to frame yourself and control the talking is mighty difficult, let alone Focus, exposure and lighting - That assumes the framing really is OK.
Also, any Edit-Session allows some "Branding" to be presented, so each session has a similar "look" which helps to make it professional-looking.
Good Luck.