BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:19

I'm assuming this is a PC-only programme?
In the Apple Store is a programme called Luminar, by MacPhun (gets good reviews), but nothing when I search for Skylum.

rfield Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:19

I’m on Mac.I bought it direct from Skylum website (who used to be called
MacPhun - they renamed at the end of last year).

I’m not sure what the one on the mac app store is though - am guessing it will be an older version.

thewhofan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:19

I have been a Adobe creative suite user since my college days and have used them in my job for over 14 years. I used to have copies of them for home use but since they went the subscription route and looked elsewhere and after trialing several other software out I settled on Affinity Photo and Affinity Design and have been happy with them ever since.

cadden Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:19

I use Luminar and Affinity. I don't think anyone would be disappointed with them.
Once DAM comes for Luminar it will be very good indeed.

Norman Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:20

Take a look at GIMP. It’s very well featured and completely free

pressure Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:20

Another vote for Affinity Photo. Very good and in some ways easier to use than photoshop. Still quite a learning curve and not quite as comprehensible as it might be. I actually think it’s too cheap! I’ve just got it for iPad too but haven’t got into it yet. I hear good things about affinity designer too.

Pixelmator is good too.

zubeir Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:20

Yes GIMP is really good and a powerful alternative Can be a steep learning curve but it's free!

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:20

Gimp is great and the more recent versions are much better - I’ve never got RAW conversion working and for me that’s a big deal as converting to Tiff in Olympus viewer is really slow and painful.
I know it’s lazy but turning ORF to TIF to process to JPG then tidy up is a pita I avoid.
If anyone has tips on working directly from RAW into GIMP I’m all ears 

The Dreamer Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:20

Will Gimp read DNG files? Adobe do a free RAW to DNG converter.

Like Rfield, I bought Luminar and Aurora on a Black Friday deal - avoided VAT by buying it while in the States, so saved another £20 ; at that price point I couldn’t afford not to. And as others have stated, once their DAM is up and running, it should be a true Lightroom contender.

I haven’t opened them up yet though, as I’ve only just bought the camera that is forcing my move away from LR6, as it’s RAW files are unsupported.

BT Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 06:46:21

Thanks - Looks like they're the same version ( says v1.3 is the current one, and v1.3.2 on the App Store). The only difference is it's £2 cheaper from Skylum direct... 
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