When we're recording our conference speakers we tend to intersperse from a fixed camera covering the stage and a mobile one covering the audience, the speaker and you can also flip to their slides full screen to cover the joins if you have a separate audio recording.
If you can get the use of a second camera then I would.
If you're shooting something more interesting than a slide show perhaps that's not a problem but you mentioned "company". Except when you want to use the camera to video a live performance of a concert/performance as I have with my son many many times. It's a GIGANTIC PITA and an annoying artificial limitation to get around the additional tax you pay on video over stills. I would personally be happy to pay the extra 10% on a special "video" edition of a camera that didn't have the limit as I'm sure many other people would.
To go back to the OP's question I agree with the others and I am pretty certain there is no way around the limitation other than to buy a video camera or use 2 cameras (or keep pressing that button.
G Thanks everyone.
The recording I reference is of a round table discussion so we do need the entire session. I dont think it will ever be formally used in one full clip but for reviewing and referencing purposes, it does need to be the entire session.
Its such a shame because the technology is there. This is what annoys me as well as I can understand keeping the limit on normal stills focused cameras or those that can't manage more than half an hour anyway (I have a Sony Nex-6 which overheats before it hits the limit) but it's bizarre on video focused devices like the Panasonic GH series (apart from the GH5 I believe) or Sony A7s series.I'd have thought at the very least it should be an option on purchase or a charged for firmware upgrade.
I find recording for more than 30 minutes useful as it means I can leave one or two cameras recording continuously while I use other handheld cameras.I don't use the continuous footage from the other cameras but it's useful to have one consistent video I can rely on.I had to opt for the custom firmware for the GH series to get around the 30 minute limit. The 30min was originally said to be a Tax (Import?) issue - but may be convenient for manufacturers - as larger sensors can be prone to overheating.
The answer is a camcorder, available from about £200 (double this, improves things all-round - and ideally buy one that has the option for an external microphone and headphone-outso you can check all is well before the evening commences.
Is this a small conference; a few folks round a table?
A stage-set with Q&A from the audience?
- This can be a nightmare to get decent audio.
- Hosts of some Radio programsrepeat the Question, so the lack of audience-audio is eliminated.
Good luck.
PS-1That "Overheating" mentioned by others - It is the result of work done by the sensor - so unless you downgrade the work, it will get hot. Most Stills cameras have much larger sensors compared with Camcorders, since an HD movie needs only 2Mpx frames the work-done is significantly less. Work-done is from the pixel to the output - if pixels are discarded there is still work-done fetching.
PS-2 If the Session is being recorded for the Audio, why bother with the video?Two or three Dictaphone recorders ( £30-ish) should run long enough. Placed on a bean-bag or similar will eliminate most table noises and position then close to the quietest folk - you'll just have to rely on the AGC at all times . . . . The Recorders should be sync'd with a clap at the start, giving day/date/venue.... This will help at the Edit stage.
Perhaps get each person to give their name, group and what they do (etc.). This will help with Levels later, should you need to re-record another time. Having them give their details helps them to relax and as it's their own name - should be free from errors. Hope that helps. Just get a camcorder. It will be perfect for what you need it for  Ideally have a table microphone as well, and to make it less dry to watch get a few camcorders...