1080 jawbreaker Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:54

didn't purchase anything, well apart from a memory card for the a7riii i rented along with a 12-24mm lens. I was like an excited kid on christmas morning, took it to new York for a long weekend. Shame I had to bring the Mrs n bairn n'all 

retrosi Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:55

Canon 24-104mm F/4L mkii                                                                        https://www.avforums.com/attachments/finland-1-jpg.1105453/       I use this for pretty much 70% of all my photos.

dave_bass5 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:55

if only you had got the 24-105mm f/4 II, its much better and 1mm longer 

Mine was the Canon M50. Since getting it in May ive taken 17 images with my Canon 5D4. I just love the small M50 so much.
Then the 32mm f/1.4 came along and that nailed it, im sticking with the M line for the forceable future.

metalpaul1000 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:56

Well 2018 was the year I bought myself my first ‘proper’ camera. A Fuji x-a3. Got bored of it in a month and wanted a more manual camera. So traded up for a XT20. Best purchase of last year. Since then I have bought several lenses. 35mm F2. Xf55-200mm. Xf27mm and the kit lens xf18-55. Love them all. Really enjoying the xf55-200 but the XT20 is my favourite purchase as I just love using it

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:56

I purchased Affinity, although even that was technically in 2017 as it on 1/1/2018 in Australia 

I can't believe that I'm so happy with my photography gear. I've got really good lenses, bodies that do all I want...Maybe I'm cured of gas, I just simply take photos.
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