shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:54 it the old "built in AF motor" thing ?

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:54

Ahh yes, probably. Something to consider if you want the older lenses, but there's plenty of the modern AF-S lenses knocking about pretty cheap 

icemanonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:55

Yeah but there are a lot more lenses from years going back that for the D300 no issues.


iainl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:56

If you're backpacking and used to own a Canon, the alternative to going for a big but sturdy xxD would be to look at the 100D. It's not as sturdy, but it is really, really small. Mrs. L has one and it fits in her little shoulder bag. It also looks utterly hilarious dangling off the back of my 100-400mm L series monster.

It's basically a 650D's guts with loads of buttons stripped out and put onto the touchscreen; I don't get on with it that well because I like the physical controls of my 7D, but she does get great photos with it and the 40mm pancake on the front.

rancidpunk Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:57

If you're travelling and don't often change settings, have you considered a premium compact? It'll save space, and the 1" sensors are considerably better quality than the usual compacts cameras.
Used, you could pick up an older Sony RX100 or Canon G9X for under £200, obviously depends on your budget

christiani Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:57

Thanks for all the posts guys.

I also forgot to mention that I like taking quite a lot of sunset/low light photos, so which of the above examples would you say deals with that requirement, without producing too much distortion etc? Sorry for all the questions!

icemanonline Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:58

Most DSLRs or M43 will give great sunset results.. Even older camera's.

The newer ones have a dedicated sunset setting.I think that's ok but you will do better learning how to take a sunset or lowlight shot by using the camera and getting it right by trying to get it right through trial and error.You'll soon pick it up.And when you do the results will be much more satisfying than any in camera sunset/lowlight settings.

Don't be afraid to try and try and try again... Is the only way to learn.And to be honest I have to say you can get any about of great camera's that are just a few years old for no money at all that produce Beautiful results with some input from the user....


snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:59

Purely in terms of what you have asked, the newer D3300 and D3400 should yield better results, you have 2 stops better dynamic range, and that's a lot, especially for sunsets where you will have high contrast if you are wanting the sun in your shot as well. Also, the D3400 is rated at 1192 ISO vs 679 ISO for the D300, so again a big improvement on the D3400.


As Ice has said though the D300 is a cracking body. IMO it's a tough call, it's essentially a choice between a better body, or a better sensor. The D300 has a better viewfinder, better built, better autofocus system, weather sealed, AF fine tune (can be important with wide aperture lenses), and in body AF motor to allow you to use the old Nikon lenses should you wish to. Also, you do need to take lab scores for what they are, whilst these show what the sensor is capable of this does not mean that you will always see it, technique, light etc etc will have an effect. That being said, 2 stops dynamic range is two stops regardless. Remember that this is at base ISO (100 or 200 depending on the camera), and above this the difference will change. You should be on a tripod and shooting at base ISO for landscapes though. You can see by the graph that the D3400 retains its DR advantage throughout though. If you shoot RAW this gives you a lot more flexibility in post processing, you can under expose to retain the highlights and then lift the shadows in post.


A full breakdown

Nikon D3400 vs Nikon D300 Detailed Comparison

Ugg10 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:59

For low light a large aperture lens will help. The 50mm f1.8 are favourite but I found that to be too long for indoor shots (restaurants etc.) on a crop sensor so if you go canon then the 24mm f2.8 pancake lens would work and is very small, couple that with the 40mm f2.8 pancake and the 100d and you have a pretty small package.

christiani Publish time 2-12-2019 06:45:00

Thanks for the info again everyone. To throw a spanner in to the works, I've narrowed my choice down to the Nikon D300, as I like that it's weatherproof, but have also read good things about the Pentax K50. It's weather proof, and seems to have a very high ISO for its price. Has anyone had any experience of this camera?
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