Comparison needed for Sony A7 111 or A7R111
Hi guy's i'm looking at different camera options. I really like the look of the A7111 and A7r111. what are peoples views on theses and in your option do you think it's worth paying slightly more for the A7r111. On the A7r111, I like the idea of the the 42.4 megapixels and the improved full frame exmor sensor, Im also steering towards the a7r111 because of the 399 phase detection points. Or do I just wait to hear what Sony will launch this year? I should clarify first that I don't currently own any Sony A7 products so my insight is similar yours and gleaned from reviews and user comments.My main cameras in use at the moment are the Nikon D750, Sony RX1r, Sony NEX-6 and Sony RX100M4.I have spent some time looking at the A7 series and if I was to buy one at the moment it would be the A7III as it seems a great all rounder.The A7RIII offers better resolution and an EVF but the A7III has better AF and slightly better DR as well.For my use 25MP is sufficient and I tried working with sample RX1RII (same sensor as the A7RII) images when I was considering the camera but preferred to stick with 25MP.
However on the other hand, if resolution is important to you then the A7RIII seems the right choice as that's specifically what it's for.
In terms of what's coming I don't think there's anything confirmed but the two high profile Sony cameras expected this year according to the rumour sites anyway are the A7SIII as another video specialist camera to complete the III range and the A7000 as a new high end APS-C E-mount camera.
It's not impossible that Sony will roll out an mk IV A7 of some form this year as Sony frequently release new models with iterative improvements on the previous model.However even if that did happen I doubt there would be any significant improvements as Sony have done a great job gradually improving the A7 series so they've few weak points that need to be improved. Just about to buy a A7 III. I don’t need the extra resolution, my mac mini will be happier dealing with the smaller files and the money saved can go on the lenses. This all depends on the individual tbh, but when I was looking I chose the A7RIII (although in the end didn’t buy it due to the ergonomics and hint of EVF lag, both of which would also have been an issue with the A7III). The reason being is the better EVF, high MP for cropping, and potentially less risk of pinstriping.
If I was going mirrorless FF now it would have to be between Canikon for me, purely because of the better (for me) ergonomics. I need to wait for the system to mature first though. 50/50 on the poll so that's not much help 
@Cord Cutter - Did you buy a camera? Not yet. Still planning to get the A7 III but holding out a couple more months for the price to hopefully drop An important factor is how much you'll have left over for lenses with each
- there's a significant price difference between the two (A7iii £1700, A7riii £2700 according to Compare Sony E-Mount Cameras Price Comparison, Compare Prices And Save Now!), and an A7iii with a high end lens will potentially give much better results than an A7riii with a 'budget' lens. It's not me who's after the camera, it's my husband but he says the lenses he wants is about £700.
I think we are trying to get the body for around £1500 so £2,200 for both.
He reckons new camera are on the way in the next few months so maybe a drop on the A7 III