Stuart Wright Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:09

Best super zoom compact camera?

Hi folks,
after I returned my Panasonic TZ60 in 2015 following three failures, I haven't had a need for a dedicated camera since.
The Panasonic was fine until it failed except for an annoying habit of losing focus when zooming.
But now I'm thinking about getting a new super zoom compact camera for holidays.
I only tend to point and shoot as I don't know how to work a camera beyond that.
So does anyone have any experiences of, or preferences for the Canon SX720, Panasonic TZ80, Nikon S9900, Sony HX90 or Olympus Stylus SH-2?
I don't know what a 'raw' format file is.4k video recording is maybe a nice to have, but not critical. I don't use a view finder.GPS is nice as is Wi-Fi control with an iPhone, but not a deal breaker.
Image quality is paramount.Good in low light is useful.

Ugg10 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:10

Do you have a budget?

Good in low light and super zoom compact don't always go together. Things to look for in the spec are the biggest sensor you can, typical superzooms use a 1/2.3", look for 1/1.6 or even a 1" sensor (don't worry about megapixels, anything over 12 mp will be fine) for low light also look for a lens with a low f number, f2.0 is great anything under f4.5 at the wide end would be useful as well. Ability to shoot raw files (this may be the full format file you are on about) is good as there is a lot more you can do with these files in software after the shot is taken.

The rx100 is the Daddy in this are but has a limited zoom (3x iirc). The new tz100 would be good also if you have the budget, both of these have 1" sensors.

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:11

Sorry no experience of these specific cameras - according to the specs snapsort has the Sony ranked #1 Sony DSC-HX90V

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:12

PS i have an old TZ and the Sony Rx100m3.The TZ has the zoom but image quality not so good.The rx100 has better image quality especially low light but not the reach of the TZ.   Tricky to find anything that combines the two requirements at high quality in a small camera.

Stuart Wright Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:13

Thanks for the replies.
No particular budget as such.
I have changed my original post to read 'raw' instead of 'full'.
I use Photoshop and last time I tried, I don't think it would even open raw files.
I like the big zoom for reasons like the above video.Those climbers looked like dots with the naked eye.Been able to get some other great zoomed photos.
See the big rock off shore in this picture?
Well this is what's on it
and that's why I want a good zoom.I suppose the softness of the photo is down to the distortion of light in the heat?

roll1later Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:14

You need to convert the RAW files 1st Stuart for Photoshop to read them, Adobe have a free converter that does this for you.

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:15

It's possible, but I'm not sure about that - when I've had heat haze it's not been so even over the whole picture.Assuming this was taken with your old TZ I think it's more likely the physical limits of the relatively small sensor.The desire for high quality is what took me down the dslr route and personally I don't find taking the stuff a hassle and well worth it in terms of results.

newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:16

to illustrate the comparison with dslr

medium angle beach view
/proxy.php?image= by Good Lux Photos, on Flickr

zoom in to the top
/proxy.php?image= by Good Lux Photos, on Flickr

it was an extremely hot day - no heat haze

heat haze behind the jet
/proxy.php?image= by Good Lux Photos, on Flickr

furball1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:17

Not exactly a Compact BUT have you seen the Nikon Coolpix P9000 - Nikon introduces Coolpix P900 with whopping 83x optical zoom range
have a look on utube the zoom is incredible - you can see the craters on the moon, best used with a tripod though 

lovegroova Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:18

I've been very happy with my Sony HX60, the only slight downside being the lack of a viewfinder.

Here's an example of no zoom and full zoom.
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