Eddy555 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:58

Canon 600D Replacement

So I've got a Canon 600D with the following Canon lenses; 10-22, 35, 70-300. I've also got a few accessories, filters, flash etc. I used to use it quite a lot, but just haven't felt inspired to use it all recently. Part of the reason is the faff of lugging it all around and having to change lenses etc. Also I find the camera itself a bit big for lugging around on it's own with a single lens.

What am I taking photos of? Various subjects really. I like to take architecture shots, so the 10-22 is great for that (interiors and exterior). Animals, especially dogs, which the 35 is pretty good for. I also use the 35 for general close up detail shots in museums and of cars. And yes I take too many pictures of cars (static and motorsport) and all the lenses seem to come in handy for that.

What I'd really like is a more compact device that can cover the zoom range above (if it's a little less than I can achieve with the 300 then I'm OK with that) and all with a single lens, and can take the same quality images if that's possible with a smaller device. I'd kind of hope that technical improvements since the 600D have meant a smaller device can take the same quality pics.

I've looked around at the camera options and I'm lost. Ideally I guess I'd want to spend around £500 max - I'd be selling all the kit above to fund it and make way for it.
Can anyone suggest what cameras I should be looking at?

John7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:39:59

You can get 24/25 to 400/500/600 with 1 inch sensor bridge camera but you won't have the 16-23 range (which is the full frame focal field of view equivalent of your 10-22 mm) covered.

John7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:00

Here's one at a reasonable price...…

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Panasonic-DMC-FZ1000EB-Bridge-Camera-25-400mm/dp/B00M0LQVEQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Panasonic FZ1000&qid=1554320186&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Eddy555 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:01

Cheers, I'll have a look into the FZ1000 in more detail 

Reggles Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:02

I can second the Panasonic FZ1000. Like you, I have had a Canon DSLR, (a 550d actually), and a range of lenses to go with it, but got my FZ1000 about 18 months ago and use it almost exclusively now. I like it for its ‘one package’ convenience and versatility. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Eddy555 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:03

Good to have that feedback too thanks.

While the FZ1000 does look to be a good direct replacement for the 600D and gives the zoom I'd like, it's still about the same size to carry around as the 600D with a single lens.

Following on from the above I've also spotted the Canon G7x MkII which looks to have at least the same wide angle capability as the FZ1000 but I'd be sacrificing a lot of zoom, which maybe I could live with as it's a much more compact device to carry about.
Any thoughts on the G7x?

Eddy555 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:04

The Panasonic TZ100 also seems to be a good option for a more compact device, but with a 250mm max zoom equivalent.

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:05

I have the MK1 g7x whilst a great little camera, it would be of no use for Motorsport IMHO.

Eddy555 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:40:06

So I think I'll go for a 2 pronged approach.
Pending a hands on with them, get a TZ100 for travel and handy shots and then further down the line a FZ1000 for when I want some better quality shots or bigger zoom etc.
Cheers for your replies everyone.
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