UPDATED: Free Photography Courses - Making a Living as a Portrait 'Tog...and others...
Courtesy of @JabbaNut  enrolling ASAP as not likely to be there for ever.....
Free while it lasts, Make a Living as a Portrait Photographer
Jim Thanks More free courses for Togs courtesy of @JabbaNut
Free while it lasts,photography courses Did anyone do the free portrait photographer course? Did you think it was worth the usual £199.99 price? I’ve only seen the samples and I’d say no from that.Depends on current level of experience though. Seems to be aimed at complete beginners with no idea. 2 hours of the teacher speaking to camera on different aspects. Agreed. I had it on in the background and it was all pretty obvious stuff really... although I am fairly experienced. (Although Jim would strongly disagree!) Certainly is more aimed at novices. I don't think that they ever actually sell their courses at anything like the full price TBH always see them very heavily "discounted"......