Which is the best for software?
So im thinking microsoft band 2 and fitbit blaze have probably the best software going with them right now and are probably the best two fitness wearables for me. But is there better software out there? I am talking apps and the desktop stuff in particular I like the 'comparison' parts against people of your bmi and age height weight type stuff. But im new to all this and possibly theres other software that I dont know of that can use these bands data just as well or something or maybe they just work allot better with their own bands I guess? (I do notice you have to pay for comparisons with fitbit). Thanks! I really like the software that you download for the Fitbit Alta, no heart rate though. I really like the software that you download for my Fitbit Alta. Yes I decided on fitbit blaze in the end due to software being more polished.  Nice one...