m11rphy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:07

From my perspective I really like the look of the 24-70 f4 lens and I think I would look to add 14-30 F4 at a later date. One situation I have found myself in and I'm not sure what lens length I would need is a zoom lens that would allow me to photo the Holloywood sign from the griffin observatory

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:08

This would all depend on what framing you want, whether you want a real close up or a wider shot to take in some of the landscape. However, looking at images on Flickr I would guess that a 70-300mm should fit the bill.

m11rphy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:08

When I go next year I'll look to see if I can't rent a lens in that range. Right now I waiting for a certain high end department store to let me know if they can get me a z6 with lens before my trip to Florida next week. I have to buy from them as I have a good number of gift cards

m11rphy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:09

So the store can only get the z6 body which I can buy with my vouchers however If I buy the lens separately it works out much more expensive

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:10

If it was me I'd wait until you can get it with the lens, I know impatience can get the best of us but it really is quite a saving to get the bundle rather than buying separately.

m11rphy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:11

The company that runs the technology department in Harrods are telling me they won't be stocking the camera kit only ever the body. There prices are crazy high to originally want £2420 body only for the z6 and £2600 for the a7 body only. I had to speak to a manager to get them to match the the Nikon and Sony RRP prices

m11rphy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:12

Turns out they can't get the Z6 before my trip is its either the A7iii stick to iPhone

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:13

I'd tell em to do one and buy something else with your vouchers tbh. £2420 for body only when you can buy the camera, 24-70mm f4 lens and FTZ adapter for £2499  So basically for £79 you're getting a lens and adapter. Also, if you buy grey from somewhere like Panamoz you can get the camera, lens and adapter for under £2k.

m11rphy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:14

They agreed to do body only for the same price as the Nikon website which is £1914. Amazon have the kit for £2149 tho

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:37:15

That’s a great price, not sure if it’s an error or not. The kit with adapter is £2.5k on amazon so can only think the other is a mistake and will up around £2.4k when they realise. I’m tempted to buy it myself at that price 
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