snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:48

Question re using amazon pay

I usually have items delivered to work so that I can guarantee someone will be in, but HDEW will only deliver to the billing address if you pay with credit card. However, they will deliver to an alternative address if you use amazon pay. I've seen the a-z of your cover with amazon pay but I was wondering if you are also still covered by your credit card insurance if this is your payment method for amazon pay? Also, I can't see anywhere on amazon's a-z whether it covers grey or not, but I assume the fact that you can use amazon pay at HDEW suggests that you are otherwise you wouldn't be able to use it?

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:49

I can't speak about Amazon pay but a years back when Google launched wallet (?) it was suggested by many that you were covered by the credit card you used to top it up.
After a bit of investigation it was clear that you were actually buying virtual currency from Google and they were using that to pay the retailer.As far as the CC company were concerned you were buying cash from Google not goods from the retailer and as such your only protection was the initial purchase with Google not the retailer.
It's not at all clear but frankly I wouldn't risk it if you think you might need to call on the card provider for assistance down the road.You could always ask your card provider?

'Section 75' credit card warning: online payments where you lose your protection

wysinawyg Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:50

What he ^^ said about s75.Quite dangerous to buy off Amazon Market, with Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay etc. for large value things as you're seriously cutting into your consumer rights.

Insurance from the card company is a technically different matter and will depend on the Ts&Cs, but I'd suspect it to follow the same logic in terms of you not having used it to buy the goods - just to pay Amazon back for having bought the goods for you.

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:50

This does seem to be a grey area that's never been clarified as some companies seem to view it that the CC protection covers the payment from your card to the payment provider (Amazon, Paypal etc.) then anything beyond that is nothing to do with the credit card company.

Snake79 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:51

I used Amazon Pay when I bought my 35mm f/1.4L II from HDEW. I was a little reluctant at first as I had never used it before and like you, I wanted it delivered to my work address.

I went ahead with the purchase as it was through Amazon at least, not some little know transaction company but it did come with some risk. It arrived brand new as expected and working fine. I don't think I would do it again for a large purchase as I only did it to save a few hundred on the UK retail price and needed it deilvered to work. If anything went wrong I can see it being a nightmare to resolve and I would rather have piece of mind that it was covered by the card company.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:51

Thanks, TBH I don't think it would be a problem with HDEW, they seem to be pretty good at resolving issues?

Snake79 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:51

That is the general consensus that HDEW are okay to deal with as they are UK based and have business premises in London. That's slightly more reassuring that having to contact a company in HK with the possibility of returning an item thousands of miles away.

I've not had any aftersales issues so I can't really comment from experience.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:51


snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:51

TBH I've found HDEW to be excellent in the past. I did think that I had an issue with a charger (that came with the camera) once but it turned out to be something else, however HDEW were very good at trying to sort the issue.

Thanks, I've read that page before. I've decided to take the plunge and pay with Amazon pay. TBH I've always found dealing with dispute easier with Amazon than I have my own CC company anyway 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:51

Why do you include Apple Pay in that list?
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