Are non Apple leather iWatch straps reliable & where from?
Just bought an iWatch and would like a nice light brown leather watch strap to go with it, thing is the Apple ones are expensive so I know you you can get the non Apple ones. Are they reliable, I mean my watch wont fall off will it and be lost.Thanks Been looking at third party straps myself after buying the new watch. Been looking at the black leather loop band and Milanese on Amazon and they seem to get good reviews. I've used a few different straps and they are fine. Actually you bought an Apple Watch, not a iWatch 
I have bought a few 3rd party straps and they are just fine. I have 'leather loop' straps in Blue and Beige and they look just like the Apple ones. I've got a blue leather loop and my watch arrives on Monday so I can give some feedback next week. I have a leather one from
Amazon. £24 compared to £100from apple and it's great Mine was about £18. If it holds up well after a month of daily use I'm going to grab a couple more in different colours.