Publish time 2-12-2019 06:35:13
If posting for advice on how to improve images or footage, sure but when I was quite clear I knew it wasn't great but thought it demonstrated how well the gimbal worked then no, I really don't need ten paragraphs telling me how awful and unwatchable it is in every way.I'm sure it was here there was a topic recently about why people don't share media here and that post above is exactly why.Admittedly I do make that mistake about once a year and I get the same 'criticism' by people who seem so keen to tear into it they don't even bother reading the post, the last time it was actual a gimbal as well showing how it worked with an action camera.Even though I was clear it was just test footage I had some lovely replies about how boring it was, why did I record such footage etc. completely missing the entire point of it.
I thought I was clear from the start of this thread what my use and handling of video was, I'm not trying to shoot professional grade footage or anything like that yet for some reason that's what I'm being graded against.Never mind, I've removed the post so I don't upset any more people with my horrendous video work.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:35:14
Sorry that wasn't what I meant at all.
Post removed and this is a sincere apology.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:35:15
Sorry John but I saw nothing posted that matches your description of the criticism you mention - at least not in this thread..... 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:35:16
As much as I would like to demonstrate the point by savaging someone else's material but I'm just not that nasty a person.Just bear this thread in mind next time people are complaining why people don't post their own content more often, it may seem fine to you but it's certainly not to me.
Anyway the offensive material is removed, problem solved and we can all be happy now.