CFC1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:05

Smugmug acquires Flickr

We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography and who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us all with your work.

Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials and you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the SmugMug family.

The Flickr Team

=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:06

Maybe they will resurrect the platform. It should have been what Instagram is long time ago.

aVdub Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:07

Am I right in thinking that this will be a paid only site.

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:08

I'm quite surprised at this given I thought Smugmug was a pretty small site (which I liked, good support) and Flickr is a big one, I've been with Smugmug for a while now and hope they don't get worse.

NSNO Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:09


Together, SmugMug   Flickr | Frequently Asked Questions

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:09

Interesting to see what happens next - Flickr in the hands of a photography business vs. a telecommunications company seems like a positive move.

invisiblekid Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:11

Can they do a worse job than Yahoo? Oh God no. they let Flickr almost die or at least become virtually irrelevant with Joe Public. So here's hoping it gets a good shot in the arm.

rancidpunk Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:11

I'm not a fan of the donuts. They promise more than they deliver

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:12

Just checked in on Flickr to be greeted with a big page advocating Pro at $49 a year and telling me that my "free" 1TB of storage (currently using 1% for 1750 images) will shrink to 1000 images in January.

Can't get Flickr to show me the page again but it's trickling into the news.
Flickr drops Yahoo requirement and gives Flickr Pro users unlimited storage

Not sure what I'll do - trim the fat, subscribe or just abandon it 

EDIT - here it is
Let’s be candid.

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:34:13

and also

Why we’re changing Flickrfree accounts
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