How do I know which iWatch i have?
Today I bought an Apple iWatch from Argos reduced from £299 to £249. It's the one with the braided strap (not rubber sports strap).I know it's not the mkII but want to know if there is a way of knowing if it's the older one or the newer one with better processor.
Never owned one before so still learning. You spent £249 and don't know what you really bought? Identify your Apple Watch Check the writing on the back....if it says Series 1 it's the original watch with the new processor. If it says Series 2 it's the new higher spec watch. If it doesn't mention Series at all it's the original. It's the original first edition model, 42mm. The 38mm is now £199.
Series 1 says "S1" in the description & is £269-£299, Series 2 says "S2" and is £369-£399 depending on size. Yes, I bought an iWatch 
I just didn't know if it was the original or newer one. Wasn't really bothered which, just interested to know.
That doesn't work, when I click on model it says MMFR2B/A and not A1234
It says 7000 series.
I guess its the original one, which is fine by me as it still works great. Just for the sake of pedantry...Apple never made an iWatch. It's always just been the Apple Watch 
And yep, you've got the original.