Adobe Lightroom 5
I have a CD Rom of Lightroom 5, purchased legally.but I cannot get it to download onto my PC, just won't work in my Optical;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Can anyone tell me where to go to get a driver for it please?
I have the legitimate serial number. No specific drivers needed - should just install from the CD - what is the error message and what operating system? The only message I get is... "please insert a disk into drive D:"when the disk is already in there.
I'm on windows 10Home version 1903
I was thinking it is a problem with my Drive?  I presume that you get that message when you try to browse the D: drive - have you tried any other cd's? If you have a legitimate licence key you can probably download and install without the CD.
This article has links to Direct Downloads - they look like they're hosted on Adobe but use caution and run virus checks etc. before you trust them as I only followed a link from Adobe's own forums.
New Adobe Lightroom 5: Direct Download Links Difference vs. LR4 Yes and I read recently that adobe are removing their downloads for older versions due to some possible licensing issues with third party components......  Great, this has worked.
I set a syst restore point, downloaded & installed V5.7.1 64bit, then ran Windows defender, Malwarebytes & Superantispyware...all passed OK.
Now all I have to do is learn how to use it properly 
I purchased it quite a while ago, but never got around to using it, as was using Adobe elements 12.
Want to now though 
Thanks for your help guys. They are making CC subscribing users who are running older versions upgrade because of a licencing dispute about royalties.As standalone users bought their licences then Adobe will have paid them for that user, the situation is more complicated with subscribers as I assume the 3rd parties want a slice of the continued revenue stream.
As a standalone 6 user the Google Maps integration is broken forever.I also run a 3rd party satnav that dropped support for Google searches - I suspect Google changed their terms and so developers dropped them rather than pay to use Google APIs in free products and legacy products.