Difficult Post - RIP rancidpunk
HiI'm sorry i'm not really sure how else to tell everyone this as i know Lee (AKA rancidpunk) had a lot of friends on here and loved posting photos up nearly every month.
He sadly is no longer with us, he passed away on the 8th of April and although his funeral was a very sad occasion it was also a great send off to an amazing photographer and gig goer. We printed off a lot of his photos he had done including the seal he won the photo competition with and a lot of his friends turned up in there punk outfits.
I'm not really sure where else to post on the forum or if you can forward this post so it is linked up to the main site but we are trying to raise money to help his family pay the funeral.
Help raise £4000 to Lee's funeral
I can't answer questions privately on here as I've joined the forums so i can put this thread up but feel free to ask me anything and if you can donate that would be amazing. There is only 3 days left of the crowdfunding.
Kind regards
Allysa Sorry for your loss Allysa - I don't quite know what else to say. My condolences to all of his family and friends. I don't mod in here, but I will make Admin aware. My Condolences, he was well liked on here. Really sorry to hear this news. It was only last week I thought I hadn't seen a post from him for a while 
My condolences to you all. Sad sad news,condolences to his family and friends . I'm really sad to hear of Lee's passing.
I've moved your post to the main photo forum; a really well liked and respected member.
My condolences to all his family and friends. Allysa am very sorry to hear this sad news Lee was well respected on this forum my heartfelt condolences to his family and friend & loved ones. Oh my, what a shock. Very sad to hear. We’ve had our differences in opinion, a lot, but I respected him as a person. My condolences. Sorry to hear and thank you for letting us know.
Oddly enough I remember his name being mentioned recently. So sorry to hear this. I liked him as a fellow forum member.Please accept and pass on my condolences to all his family and friends.