Master of Photography Season 4 Starts this week
I know this program divides opinions and there's some pretentious nonsense but I really enjoy watching it, slightly envious of the opportunity (and confidence) that these togs have.Anyway, starts Tuesday 28th May on Sky Arts  Good first episode I thought. As usual, some very interesting images - I did like the one with the "leg and the foot", considering it was almost a grab-shot and nothing to di quite his original concept.
Also, I noticed, after 3 season of dishing out Leica kit, they've jumped-ship to Canon. I thought it was OK, the judge seemed helpful although two of the images he suggested to show ended up in the bottom two  My only problem with watching show like this is that it reminds me of my own inadequacies when it comes to creativity and 'artiness' 
I imagine Canon's paid them a lot of money to get their camera used in this series. Apparently the EOS R isn't doing as well as they'd hoped so I imagine they're trying to boost sales. Very strange shutter sound... Lol, I didn't notice tbh  Well this week was a bit meh. I agreed with the 'winner' (which I liked) and 'loser', but I thought overall the photos were disappointing and the lighting wasn't great a lot of the time either. I appreciate there were time constraints etc though. One thing I notice about the 'portrait' weeks is that the subject you get assigned can have a big impact - I agree with the winner, but having a subject who had a much more visible 'transformation' certainly helped, compared to others where the change was more that they were dressed differently!
It was interesting that in several cases, it was the shot of the person, rather than their 'character', which was the better of the pair. Definitely the subject did help but I still feel that some were poor efforts, probably no better than what I'd come up with  Agreed, it did look like some of them lost focus (if you'll excuse the pun) under the time pressure when they couldn't see a great 'transformation' shot, and instead just went with whatever came into their heads, rather than thinking about the brief, and getting shots that worked as a pair to the 'before' shot.