snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:51

Big Firmware update for the Olympus EM1-II (and EM1x I believe)


AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:52

Looks good for those who can use it.
There's been nothing on my E-M10ii - I expect they'll push something out to support the new lenses and TC but I doubt I'll update and reset everything for the sake of "fix a bug" 

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:53

The last two firmware updates I've done on my Olly haven't reset it 

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:54

That's because you have an E-M1ii - that is smart enough to let you back up and restore settings too IIRC.
The E-M10ii just resets everything, like the E-PL5 and the M10 - last time I did it by accident when using OV3 to move some images - it said there was an update so I ran the installer - then the next time I used the camera I found my custom buttons were missing etc. and the penny dropped  it added was support for 2 panasonic lenses I will never own 
I think it's good the Olympus are doing real updates to their software but they are focusing so much on the top end it's a bit depressing for the PEN and M10 end of the spectrum.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:54

Ahh right, I just thought Olympus has finally realised folk wanted to keep their settings. I can't see why this isn't possible with other models though, AFAIK it's the Olympus software on the computer that saves and then reloads the settings onto the camera once the firmware has updated. Maybe there is some limitation that I can't think of 

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:54

Money  - it's probably not possible with the way the settings are stored in the camera.
It's only a minor irritation.I don't really expect feature updates on a camera that was superseded a couple of years back.

I've just bothered to google my camera and there are some improvements in an update from March.I'm on v1.3 so I should run the update some time once I've written down what I've customised.

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