johnaalex Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:44

Windows 10 RAW viewer

Finally Microsoft have produced a means for viweing RAW images directl. See HERE

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:45

Looks really interesting but it says needs the May update (1903).
I thought I was up to date but running Windows Update it's installing 1803 now?

The Windows Store is saying it's incompatible but nothing more useful.
I'll plug away at it - it would be good to view thumbnails for clearing up old bad images!

EDIT - looks like you might need to be using the Windows Insider updates?

Register, install and engage | Windows Insider Programme

I'm not able to do this as it's my main work machine but I'll keep an eye on it for the future 

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:31:46

Came back to the PC after lunch to discover it was installing a massive update - having closed all my work - grrrr!
Still I now have the correct version of W10 and I was able to install the RAW viewer extention.
Seems to work well, I can now see the after/before combinations of what I've done in Explorer.


I guess at some point I can now go through and prune all the old tat that I never even played with 
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