My Sony A6400 has arrived
I bought a Sony A6400 which arrived this week. Looks impressive from what little time I've managed to use it, plenty of menu options and the WiFi transfer of photos to my iPhone is great.I bought it with the kit lens for £680 which is a good price but currently debating keeping it or returning and continue to use my Sony A77. I need to decide if it offers me £680 plus new multiple lens investment better value over my A77, especially with my A77 already having all the lenses I like to use. A tough decision.
IF I do keep it I'll be buying a Sony LAEA3 adapter for it to make use of most of my existing lenses which will make the swap easier until I can afford all new E mount options. The menu options are vast in comparison to my A77 and will take a bit of learning, same with the focus system. I had a brief try of the eye focus for people and animals and I'm impressed. Only you can decide this, both are great cameras but are very different in a lot of ways. DOn't forget to consider ergonomics. Based on the list in your sig, note that the LAEA3 adaptor will NOT give AF with any of the older screw-drive lenses - only with the 16-50 f/2.8 and 50 f/1.8.
For AF with A-Mount screw drive lenses you need and LAEA4, which uses it's own AF system rather than the cameras AF system  It is a tricky one.You want the cameras small when carrying them around but bigger when using them.
You sometimes just have to use one for a while to make the decision. Personally from owning a NEX7 I found that using existing A mount lenses with the NEX and adapter took away the advantage it has in terms of size. Eg you get the most size benefit once you move to native lenses. My signature is a bit out of date now, I usually browse on mobile so forgot I even had a signature!! 
The lenses I will be using are the 16-50mm 2.8, 50mm 1.8 and a 85mm 2.8. My Sigma 100-300mm f4 will not be any use with the adaptor I want to buy. I upgraded this week to the a7ii and its a vast improvement over my a77’s. I will still keep one of the a77’s as they are great cameras too.There is currently a used a7ii on Amazon warehouse for £727 if you fancy full frame.
You may need the LAEA4 adapter as it can drive the focus in the A-mount lenses, of course some lens have their own focus motors, the 16-50 2.8 Sony does. Just seen the reply above lol I’ll maybe see if I can sell my A77 with the Sigma 100-300mm lens and use the money from that to go towards a good quality dedicated E mount lens. Not sure how much interest people have in A mount now. I don’t think there will be as much widespread interest like a few years back but you may get some people looking to upgrade from say an a700 for a lower price as they can maybe use good glass they already have. Where did you get it from at that price? Seems like a very good deal. Post No 7_Your 100-300mm is quite powerful when you can't walk nearer ( & wildlife that soon vanishes...).
For those times,keeping the earlier camera might make sense, since s/h the price may be low.... whereas as a "known" second camera (in car unless needed ),
- - - - could be just the thing as a Back-up.... and for distant shots . . . the new camera will need to lose many pixels to achieve the same framing.
Of course it depends on how-sharp that long-lens is ( with a tripod !) . . .
??? However, I sense that long-lens isn't used much ???
Glad you like the new Camera.