Win £100 to spend with MPB, the platform for trading camera gear online
Hi AVForums. We’re MPB, the platform for trading camera gear online.What is MPB?
We buy camera gear from photographers and filmmakers worldwide. You can get an instant quote, and ship your gear to us free of charge (tracked and fully insured).
Our product specialists check the condition for 40 different criteria to make sure it’s reliable and in perfect working condition. We send cash straight to your account. If you’re trading in for an upgrade or replacement, we deliver it for free.
We individually photograph every product and list them on our site with a detailed and accurate condition grading, so that buyers know exactly what they’re getting.
Everything we sell comes with a free 6 month warranty for peace of mind, so you can get the price advantage of buying used with all the security and convenience of buying new.
Take a look at our huge range of cameras, lenses, drones and accessories, or get a commitment-free valuation on your gear today at
We’d like to take this opportunity to share our new video from our trip to New York where we tested out shooting with some of our favourite mirrorless cameras, as well as give away a £100 voucher to spend with us on photo or video gear.
All you need to do to enter our prize draw is watch the below video and simply answer one question! Sorry if I am being thick but what's/where's the question?
Jim It's on the Competitions thread - see link below
Competitions | AVForums Jim this is the discussion tab, scroll back to the top and you will see the competiton tab. How long have you been here? :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Never been alerted in this way before to a Compo. though - see these for reviews etc. though LOL // To be fair if you hadn't pointed it out I'd never have noticed it either.
I spotted the competition in the side bar on the Photography Forum index which is how I spot the other competitionstoo  Yikes! you've been here longer than Jim   If it's any consolation, I couldn't find the link either until you mentioned the tab at the top.
I'm puzzled by the video though which seemed quite bizarre given Sony themselves appear to have given up on the RX1RII and are focusing on the A7 series instead so even if you did want an RX1RII, they're difficult to find both new and second hand as I've found myself as I did recently buy one.You certainly can't buy one from MPB.
Putting the Fuji against the Ricoh GR or Leica Q series would make a bit more sense although if they're focusing on second hand the GRIII and the Q2 are perhaps a bit new but there are older ones they do actually sell.Or more useful would be to compare the small fixed lens compact to an A6x00 or A7 with a fixed lens prime to see how they work in that role as it's something I've spent a long time considering instead of the RX1R.
Maybe I'm looking too much into it but it seems an odd video to force people to watch to promote their site. I didn't know about the comp tab either 
Shame you can't win the camera instead  £100's not to be sniffed at though 