Free Olympus 45mm F1.8 when you purchase ....
Free Olympus 45mm F1.8 when you purchase a new EP-L8 or 9 until September 30th...OlympusUK (@OlympusUK) Tweeted:
Our FREE 45mm F1.8 portrait lens promotion starts today! Claim your free lens – worth £279.99 – when you buy an Olympus PEN E-PL8 or E-PL9 camera before 30th September 2019. RT to spread the word → OlympusUK on Twitter OlympusUK on Twitter
Good for someone hopefully!
Ice There are a few other offers from Olympus which they email me now and then.
£250 off the E-M1ii kit might be worth a look?
There was a "free" bag with the E-M10 which looked pretty good but by the time you'd paid their official price you could have bough the kit and a bag elsewhere and still been ahead 
Olympus Shop Promotion link Jessops have the E-PL8 with pancake EZ 14-42mm lens and the free 45mm for £299.
The two lenses are worth almost that at used value.
Olympus PEN E-PL8 Mirrorless Camera in White with 14-42mm EZ Lens - Jessops I saw this and thought it might be worth buying and selling it all off individually? Maybe, I have both lenses and no use for the body as I still have my pl5.
The 45 should get £130-50 but the EZ and the body might be a harder sell on the usual forums?
Not sure what mpb etc might offer. It could be a hassle for small profit.
If you bought the kit and resold it you could take a small loss and keep the 45.