faz1964 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:18

Sim Card in Smart Watch


We bought our 2 boys Smart Watches for Christmas, but didn't realise they had a sim card slot. They have their phones with 3 who i understand don't do a duplicate sim with the same number.

Are we supposed to gt another sim with a different number to run on the smart watches or switch the sim from the phone all the time?

Any suggestions advice greatly accepted.

Stiggy Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:19

You don't have to get SIM cards. Can't the smart watches just duplicate notifications from their phones via Bluetooth/WiFi?

faz1964 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:20

Thanks, yes they do but I was wanting them to be able to receive and make calls when they don't take their phones out.

HeavenlyWarrior Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:20

You would have to get a different sim as it is a different device, like you would have to with a cellular tablet. You would also have to ensure the watch is compatible with UK networks. I had a sim in my old SmartWatch that wasn't UK compatible but could be used when I went to Romania, awesome to use.
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