bellaxie2016 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:06

Heart Rate Wristband, Which Better?

I am thinking about buy a sports wristband. Which do you think is better? Fitbit? Mi Band? Samsung ?

Wardy257 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:07

Depends what you want to use it for? What are you hoping an activity tracker will do for you?

Ali Raza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:08

I have fitbit charge 2, Samsung gear fit 2 and adidas fit smart and from 3 of them adidas is the best for tracking heart rate making others useless for me.

Ali Raza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:09

I took samsung and adidas for a run last night...gear fit 2 was showing my pulse around 130-140 and adidas was around 160-170...thrn I stopped and checked my pulse manually twice in 10 mins and adidas was accurate.

I think most of these bands lose track when your heart beat goes and stays above 150 making them useless.

cR4cKF0x 5TevE Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:10

Just lost my Xiaomi band in the swimming pool so have bought this to replace it:

Teclast H10 Bluetooth 4.0 Smart Wristband Remote Camera

Will post up a review when it arrives.

cR4cKF0x 5TevE Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:11

Correction: it was the heart rate version, namely Teclast H30 Bluetooth 4.0 Heart Rate Monitor Smart Wristband

Short review: very comfortable, albeit a little bulkier than my Xiaomi Miband.The silicone strap has plenty of adjustment, though the Teclast logo on the strap is bound to scratch over time.Sleep tracking seems accurate and the steps counter seems accurate as well.Heart rate takes a second or two to register, but again seems to measure reasonably well.The TSports app is a little eccentric - there are plenty of settings and options to play around with, but some of the translations are a little 'odd' to say the least.That said, a work colleague mentioned that the app looks very similar to the Fitbit equivalent.The only downside so far is battery life: I've read reports of 25/30 days life, I'd say a week is much more realistic.In summary, if you can navigate the app's oddities for around £13 its a no-brainer.
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