stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:05


I've been using Elements 10 since it appeared, I've always had trouble reading the text on the edit page, but never been able to find a way of increasing the text size. Last week I changed my PC & monitor from W7 to W10Pro, monitor from 23inch to 27inch, hoping the problem would go away with the change, it hasn't, it's gone worse. My new monitor has a res' of 2560 x 1440 (16x9). I've tweaked the settings on the PC to improve the size on most of the programmes I use, but Elements 10 stays persistently small. Anyone got a solution?

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:06

Afraid you're out of luck as Adobe didn't introduce UI font scaling until PE13 

Probably best to pick up a cheap secondhand copy of a later version......


stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:07

Thanks Jim, I'll have a search around to see if I can find one.//

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:08

GenuineAdobe Photoshop Elements 14 Online Key Sale 70% Discounts

stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:09


stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:10

Hi Jim
After a saga last night & this morning, not being able to find a trusted copy of 13 14 or the latest version of Elements 2019, I found the least expensive & safest way was to buy an upgrade to 2019 from Adobe. That was about midnight, I made the purchase using Paypal, then proceeded to download the upgrade, one hour later the download was at 100%, the icon on my desktop, so I tried to open it, BONK!!! error 16, delete your download & contact support. Logged back on to Adobe, found support, couldn't remember my password, had to change it, 1/2 hr later, got through to support (1.30am). After going through loads of questions support gave me a link & told me to delete the download & re-install from the link. I deleted the upgrade using control panel, & started the upgrade from the link. 45 minutes later, download at 100%, new icon on desktop, clicked to open, BONK!!! error 16 again. After deleting the first download, I had noticed, my original E10 was still installed, could it be that was what was preventing me opening the new version? This time I deleted E10 & 2019, & started a new 2019 download. It was now 3am. I tried to open the 3rd download, BONK!!! error 16. I knew I wouldn't sleep until I had cracked it, so I contacted support again. Eventually they sent another link that had the word CLOUD in it. I assumed I was buying a contract version, but support assured me I wasn't & I clicked the link which opened various instructions for various Windows versions, I picked the W10 64bit which opened another page with a set of instructions which were totally alien having only just upgraded to W10 from W7. At this point, I gave in & told support that what they were asking was outside my capability level. Luckily Brian (Adobe support) was sympathetic & offered to take control of my PC & guide it through the correction process. Visions of my PC's innards being hacked flashed through my mind, but by now I was too knackered to care. Eventually Brian took over & I watched in horror as he delved into my PC, after a good 20 minutes, the new E2019 appeared on the screen, it looked very similar to E10, but was grey, not brown & less cluttered. I said goodbye to Brian, it was now 4am & my wife appeared from the bedroom asking why I wasn't in bed. I gave her a simple explanation & re-opened E2019 & had a quick go at finding how to increase its size on screen, but failed & went to bed.
This morning I had another go & up to now failed. BTW the message from support as to why I couldn't download the programme was that there were a couple of non system plug ins that prevented completion. Thinking back I had bought 2 plug ins years ago for E4 Fog & something else?
So before I resort to Adobe support, can Jim explain how to expand the on screen view?;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7                                                              

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:11

stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:12

Thanks Jim you are a star. followed the link & used the instructions, I can now see the screen without my nose against the glass.
Regards Eric.//

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:13


Steve N Publish time 2-12-2019 06:27:13

Just found this thread as I'm going through the same.
Upgraded my PC and Monitor last week and been trying everything to make my Elements usable.
Mine is version 9 
Can't bear to go through what stearman65 went through so will bite the bullet and get a more recent version.
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