New Video Editing PC
NOW SOLD No option of an SSD for boot drive? That's out of my intelligence zone, please explain. No expert here but from my time last year while looking for a laptop and trawling net I would suggest, if your budget allows, a better processor, i7 min, and maybe a 8gb graphics card? especially if processing videoAs said no expert and happy to be shot down in flames but someone in the know  Without wishing to put a damper on things, if you don’t know what an SSD is, then you have little chance of choosing the right components that you need for the build, so best to do some serious research first.
I would recommend you go to a company that builds custom computers for customers, and have a look at their pre-built video editing solutions to see what components you should be looking at. (This site Building a Photo and Video Editing PC on a Budget 2019 is one of many out there that should also help)
Bill SSD Boot drive, ideally faster processor, but if you are running editing packages that utilise the graphics card, not a biggie.
1TB is too small for storage 4-8TB as a minimum, split across 2 drives and configured as storage and scratch.
Budget for a decent monitor - HD is fine for this. Thanks Roll1later Noiseboy & Abacus. I won't be editing 4K, all my stuff goes onto YouTube on a free channel, so MP4 is all I need. I have a couple of separate HD's for storage & YT is my cloud. The quote was done using PCS wizard & approved by them, their only recommendation was to go to a lower spec power supply. what video editing software are you using? At the moment I use Pictures to Exe 8 for basic editing & Video pad for anything fancy. Both of those render on the processor, not the video card, so a better processor will help with the speed.
I would suggest that you do all editing on the PC and transfer to your external drive once complete. Don't attempt to edit directly to the external drives. The SSD as a boot drive will help with startup speed and general editing tasks as well.