AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:50

Interesting Flickr Groups?

I've joined various Flickr groups over the years but mostly focused on gear rather than subject or location.
I'm trying to move away from conversations about equipment and more towards taking about taking and processing images.

Hunting on Flickr groups seems a bit hit and miss - I'm finding "active" groups that haven't had a discussion in 5yrs 
I've just stumbled over a swingers group  using a search on where I'm based, thankfully the photo stream is private 

I tend to shoot "travel" when we travel, a bit of landscape and nature and some motorsport when the opportunity arises.

Any tips for finding interesting groups that are active and focus on subjects rather than gear would be very welcome, especially links 

Marika Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:51

I find it hard to find anything of quality in Flickr these days. Other than a few photos, of course. But groups have gone from bad to worse, since Flickr first changed format a few years back. When masses abandoned it and it became "just another self indulgent photo site", where people share, share and share, only fishing for faves and that's all the interest there is to anyone. 10 years ago we had lots of interesting groups going with themes and a lot of discussion, don't know any of those anymore. Most my back then friends in Flickr are still there, but don't really post photos now. Their accounts have stood still for years. Tbh, I only post there to archive these days, to keep one more online stream of photos up. Digital photos are so vulnerable to all kinds of problems, so you have to have them in multiple places, or otherwise there's a chance you lose them all in one fell swoop, if your PC dies for example. Also, I'm not aware of any other photo sites these days that would be more like Flickr used to be? BBC and National Trust seem to both be running a lot of weekly/monthly themed photo competitions where people can post their photos in various forums, like FB, Instagram and Twitter, but I don't know if there's much conversation or learning happening there either. It's all about fame now, your 15 minutes in spotlight.

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:52

Thanks Marika. I’m not too concerned about the discussions though that would be a bonus. I’m hoping for some inspiration. The “gear” groups I follow tend to be a mishmash if all kinds of styles and ... abilities. As per usual I’m a bit bored of all the buses and planes 
Guess I’ll just browse through the photo pools on subjects I’m into and see what I can find.
I’m surprised people don’t have any favourites - perhaps we are all gear obsessed here too 

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:53

A lot of the trouble is that too many sites have become one of two things

1.A place where people just show off their latest gear, my gear is better than your gear
2.A place where people try to post the best images just to show off, making newbys to photography or any other pastime come to that feel it is not worth their bothering.

I have been into photography since I was 12, that is 50 years, and during the past two months I have googled everything from UK photography forums to photography to facebook photography, nothing, of the few (Two inc. this one) the other ones latest posts are 2016   

I gave up and started a Welsh one last week 

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