newbie1 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:47

PM sent

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:47

There is a big problem with "knock off filters" if that is what you MEANT to say, as breach of copyright harms us all so don't buy knock off filters

I assume you meant to say "third party filters"

If you were a business and your items were "forged" how would you feel.Buy GENUINE products

If you can't afford proper new filters don't support China, buy pre owned from Ebay

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:47

So are you saying don't ever buy "third party filters"? 

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:47

If you READ what I said I NEVER said don't buy third party filters, I clearly stated don't buy copyright infringed, filters, not forged, Chinese stolen copyright as they do with Apple i phone, copied Canon lenses, etc, the Chinese have got rich ripping off decent companies the wold over

Brilliant fake Canon lenses !: Canon SLR Lens Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:48

Keep your hair on - it obviously wasn't that clear - and still isn't on rereading the post - to me at least - hence the question..... 

shango Publish time 2-12-2019 06:25:49

No that's not what I meant to say, what I meant to say is what I actually typed.

Here it is for you again so you can have another looksy

But don't worry, I ended up buying H&Y filters from here in the UK (Genuine of course).

And I'd highly recommend them to anyone in the market for a new system.
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