Wearable / Smartwatch Cont. HR - Data export
Hello,iam pretty new on wearables. For a project, I need a Wearable or Smartwatch with:
- continuous HR Tracking (measurement every few seconds or every few minutes at least)
- Possibility to export the HR data in a .csv sheet or other file i can import in C Code..
I already have tried a Samsung Gear S3. But the HR is only measured about every 10minutes. When i do training mode and export (via Data Viewer SDK) the data, theres just max, min, avg HR in the .csv file. Can i solve this problem?
I also tried the fitbit surge, but you cannot export HR data and even proper sync to Samsung Health or Google Fit is not possible :/
Can someone suggest a wearable with cont. HR Tracking and export?
Additionally, If someone know a wearable that can also measure ecg, gsr, blood pressure, blood oxygen, please tell me 
Sorry for my broken english.
Thank you,
Chris I'm pretty sure all the bands/watches only check HR every few minutes. I think it is in the region of every 3 mins or 1 min if you have activated an exercise setting. Garmin data can by manipulated in various ways so check them out.
One think to consider is the optical HR trackers are no accurate. They are sensitive to movement, sweat etc. I have cross checked Fitbit and Garmin bands to chest strap based monitors and the results are miles out. Fitbit have been taken to court over this an experts testified how poor the HR accuracy is. This has just been released:
Smart Wearable ECG EKG Monitor - QardioCore