First lens to buy for Nikon D750
I just ordered a Nikon D750, second hand from MPB in supposedly excellent condition. Any suggestions for a first lens, second hand?Ideally I’d be looking for 24-70 f2.8 or similar, maybe f4.0 with longer reach. Obviously want to spend as little as possible.
Damo I went for these in my kit, all Nikkors
For Video and general use24-120
f2.8 70-200
80-400 Nano
Sigma 150-600 Sport
You get what you pay for For Video and general use 24-120 available pre owned for under £500
IF that is too much then I also have the Nikkor 28-300, a superb lens, it has come back from events black with mud/dust For a general lens the 24-120mm f4 G is pretty decent. The 24-70mm f2.8 renders better imo but is quite expensive and heavy. The 24-85mm G is not to be overlooked, get a good copy and it’s a great lightweight lens. The 18-35mm f3.5-4.5G is a great landscape lens, sharp and light.
My favourite Nikon lens I’ve used in terms of final image, build, AF speed and usability is the 70-200mm f2.8 VRII but again not cheap and is heavy.
A used 50mm f1.8G is a little gem of a lens, got mine for a little over £100. Ok not tack sharp wide open but renders really nicely. Sorry, should have said I got a used Tamron 24-70 2.8 VC  Thanks chaps. The 24-120 is my go anywhere lens, I have a full range of Nikkor lenses from 14-24-80-400 but the 24-120 is used for still and vid
Yes the 70-200 is a good lens but I use the 24-120 more How are you finding this lens?
I got my first Tamron lens a month or so ago as I needed another 70-200, so went for the G2 and been very impressed with it on my D850 and Z6