topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:35

Thanksfor that info. never considered the Oly Pro for some reason. I'll check that out. My idea is that, like you found at Kew, I can happily take the one lens out knowing its all I would nee.

Found one on MPB, whom I'm selling my Panny 20mm and Panny 14-140 to

Going for £454 and only rated "good" but thats fine for now. But I will check grey as well

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:35

Actually just found brand new, Olympus 12-40 f2.8 pro, unused kit lens for £499 at Camera Centre UK in Wales. Comes with 2 year Olympus warranty as well. Ordered and should have it Tuesday

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:35

Great lens, very sharp and has nice bokeh.

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:36

I have no idea why it didn't cross my mind. I think I saw a couple of articles talking about the Panny 12-35 comparing the old and new versions and how good they were and that stuck in my mind. I do remember seeing new prices for them both but particularly the Olympus a while back and decided it was too expensive.

But second hand, as usual, and in this case new but ex kit lens there really are some bargains out there. So thanks to AMc it got me looking  and I double checked that the lens was unused.

And yes good bokeh is a real bonus snerks....

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:37

Wow that was quick work!
I hope it suits you, I’m pretty happy with mine on my e-m10ii. Some might say you need the grip but I’m not finding that myself.
I shot my brothers wedding as a guest only with it and bar an embarrassing incident with a thumbprint on the lens it did well all day and night.
We then went to Paris for 10 days and it was pretty much always on the camera.
You got a great price for a new lens with warranty - I figured at the price I paid I could always resell if it didn’t suit. But that looks very unlikely now 

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:38

I chose the Panny 14-140 lens as my walk around lens an to be fair it’s damn good. But I always feel its a bit of a compromise be it all a decent one.

Always been a fan of short zoom lenses and as my RX100 has shown me that 14-40 range area seems to suit me. So investing in a Pro lens was always something I regretted not doing. But now I have and feel happy having done it. Especially at that price.

I do prefer MFT and my EM10 mark II as well so overall I’m glad I got there in the end. Thanks guys for helping

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:39

Oly 12-40 Pro arrived and it's brand new. Ex kit lens as they described by the looks of it. Registered it on the Olympus website and it accepted the serial number for two year warranty. Not done much so far but it really is pin sharp. More when I get a chance
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