Sourcing of Nike Blue Orbit/Gamma Blue 42mm Apple Watch Band
As per the title - has anyone seen where I can source a Nike Blue Orbit/Gamma Blue 42mm Apple Watch Band please?I just missed one on CEX last week and it appears everywhere is out of stock of the 42mm.
Would prefer the genuine Apple band (even tho they're pricey!!) What is wrong with the after market straps? Nothing is wrong but my personal preference has been for the Apple ones. The after market 3rd party straps I've purchased have been poorer quality but having said that I know there are some very good ones out there that friends have. My other criticism was that as I have the 42mm watch, the 3rd party suppliers were mainly supplying the long straps - they had assumed if you were after the 42mm strap, you have thick wrists! I see your point about the wrist size and the straps, but those ones are few and far between....
Well I hope so as I've just ordered a Black/Yellow Nike Strap 
Didi you get one anyway?