spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:07

Thanks might give that a try!

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:08

Definitely worth trying imo, maybe also give the 40-150mm f2.8 a try too. Olympus will feel very alien and confusing to start with, but you can customise pretty much everything and get it set upjust how you like it. It's very rare I use the menus now as everything is at my fingertips.

doug56hl Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:09

Seems a bit of a missed opportunity to replace one APS-C body with two APS-C bodies.
Why not a FF and a APS-C in the same budget? Sticking with Canon that could be an EOS-R and a 90D or M6MkII. Switch to Sony that could be a A7III and a A6xxx. Either would let you use your existing Canon lenses. You couldn't use your 10-18 or 15-85 lenses on a 5DIV but can on an EOS-R/RP.

While the EOS-R has a lowish stills frame rate you do get 30fps if using 4K video and then a 1.7x multiplier equivalent too.I use that for 8MP stills via frame grabs from the video. Another advantage then is no limit on buffer size. Some examples of the use of that. Stacked frames to show the wing configurations of a diving Gannet.

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:10

hmm didn't know that.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:11

You’d need an adapter for them but they will work.

doug56hl Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:12

Most EF-S lenses stick too far back into the mirror box for a FF Canon DSLR and would have the mirror hitting them. With the R/RP no mirror, plus they are well away from the sensor plane due to the EF-RF adaptor.
The adaptor is bundled in with the R and RP. But the cameras will detect APS-C lenses and switch to APS-C mode using only the portion of the sensor covered by an APS-C lens. Works out around a 12MP image for the 30MP EOS-R and a bit smaller for the 26MP RP.

The same situation occurs with Canon APS-C lenses on Sony FF (and also the Sony APS-C lenses on FF). Here, unless getting an A7Rx, the image is smaller again due to the A7x having a 24MP sensor.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:13

Sure is, but obviously if he went the Somy route he’d need a Canon to Somy FE adapter.

Yeah it’s handy, I think most cameras automatically switch to DX/APS-C mode these days. I’m personally not a fan of using APS-C glass on FF bodies though except as a stop gap.

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:13

Thanks yes, meant canon to sony adapter.
don't think I'll get a chance to go to dealer before next holiday, a week Saturday, hopefully more time when I get back.

Thanks all for the very useful input, think I'm erring on sticking with Canon (for now) think I'll end up keeping the 7D2, will have a look at the R, then maybe the 6M2, but will give the others a look first. Think the Sony is a tad expensive, we shall see!

Thanks again much appreciated

NSNO Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:14

Just to muddy the waters, I'd definitely recommend the 5DIV. I switched from a 7D2 and would never go back to crop sensor now. Obviously low light performance is better, but what surprised me was how much more detail it captures compared to the 7D2 - more than makes up for having less pixels on subject. ( I do birds and macro btw)

spannersatcx Publish time 2-12-2019 06:23:14

Well managed to get to my local wex (got a good deal) have stuck with Canon and gone for the R and 24-105, just need to learn how to use it now . Blimey it's light. Off on holiday Saturday so hopefully get put to good use, first impressions are positive but early days yet. Will hopefully post some pics when I get home.
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