snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:56

You're absolutely right, the loss is minimal just like using 12 bit instead of 14 bit. I think my point is though why by this camera which is designed for ultimate IQ to then not use it to its fullest? Aren't you therefore better off sticking with the A7R3 (or similar) and saving yourself a fair amount of pennies?

Off on a tangent it's like people who buy f1.4 lenses and only use them at f2, why? 

Faldrax Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:56

And that's exactly why I use uncompressed RAW on my cameras!

The difference, of course, is that if you get the A7iv then you have the option of switching to 621MP uncompressed if you want, for those shots where you feel it matters (or even 'Go Large' with pixel shift!)
And you get the other improvements over the A7iii as well (wider AF coverage, more AF points, improved viewfinder, more pronounced grip, improved controls, better weather sealing, dual UHS-II card slots, wireless tethering, etc).

I do find it a bit odd all the complaints about the A7Riv - frankly it appears to be an incredibly good camera, but there are other cameras that do some things better, and the bulk of the complaints appear to be that Sony has chosen to release a camera that reinforces their position at the high end, rather than the half dozencameras that would be required to have everyone getting a new camera option that fitted their needs.

PS: I happilyuse my Minolta 85 f/1.4 G RS wide open at f/1.4, it's what it was designed to do 

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:56

I didn't realise that the R4 had been getting a lot of 'bad press'? I think it looks great, my only 'concern' would be the file size 

Faldrax Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:56

It's not really 'Bad Press', but there have been a lot of comments on Facebook moaning that it's not the camera the poster wanted (many of those being people who wanted an A7Siii), suggesting it's just adding things that 'no-one' wants.

Personally, I suspect Sony is right to release the camera they have - the Riv raises the bar for the 2nd Gen Canon and Nikon offerings in a way an Siii couldn't have done.

All I need now is for my numbers to come up on the lottery, so I can afford a shiny new e-mount system 

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:56

I thought this was a good summary of the three main R models and what each one gets you:

                                                                                                                                                                                /proxy.php?image=                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sony A7R IV vs A7R III vs A7R II: pixels vs price, and how to choose the right model                                                                                                        The Sony A7R IV has 61 million pixels, but the A7R III and A7R II can give you a taste of its performance for a lot less money                                                                                                                                                                                /proxy.php?image=                                                                                                                      

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:56

One day they may even have a lens that resolves as many pixels   

CanNik Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:57

And the buyers will probably be people who have never taken a photograph in their lives, relying on auto for everything.I print occasional A2 images from 16MP Nikon and mostly A3 , I'm happy thanks

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:57

What makes you say this? TBH it’s a pretty narrow minded opinion imo to assume people who buy high MP cameras don’t know what they’re doing.I’ve printed A1 from a 16mp Olympus too, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see a benefit of high MP cameras for certain applications 

springtide Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:57

I think it's a bit naive or even condescending to have this opinion :-(

Same opinion for people who own MF?
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