Photo Size/Quality.
I've just uploaded some photos from my camera to laptop. They weren't showing up properly,saying they were too big.How do i rectify this? Not sure, is it just that the program won't open them or that they're not transferring to the computer? Not all programs can open raw files if that's what you've transferred? Do you mean uploaded to AVF as attachments? Need more info, camera, format (JPEG or Raw Video), did you use the cameras software to transfer to the laptop?????, MAC or PC Windows??? Yes, that's it they were RAW files! Canon EOS 350D, RAW (But ive changed that now) PC windows 10. What program are you trying to open them in? What laptop have you got, what OS and is it up to date? That's your issue you're using Canon  aside, that's quite an old model so should be compatible with your computer. Facebook said i can't upload anything bigger than 4MB. The quality setting on my camera is now on L 3456x2304 So you can see them on the computer fine but you can't upload because they're too big? Raw files are big and it doesn't surprise me you can't upload them to social media. I'd be surprised if facebook recognises raw tbh.
If you're shooting raw you need to process them as raw files are flat and lifeless, they are a digital negative and not a final image per se. If you don't edit/don't have any editing software then stick to JPEG as they are processed files and will look better than unprocessed raw.