=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:29

Pixel density is equally important IMO. High resolution combined with large size, still gives you lower pixel density.

If you have a low pixel density screen (like older flat TV's used to be), if you sit close to it (as you should when retouching), you will see individual pixels and the image won't look smooth. (Good) monitors are designed so that you can sit close to them when working. I sit around 1' from my 30" screen when retouching. I can see no pixels.

Funny thing is, my laptop is even better at it. Even with my nose up very close, I cannot see individual pixels at all. It has insane pixel density, it being 4k and 15". Looks amazing up close. Still, I would rather retouch on my 30" screen, because of its size.

Leo31291 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:30

Great point. I was going to say I prefer editing on the laptop rather than the monitor. Hook up a mouse and I'm happy as larry.

edward Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:30

Yup, another vote for the Surface 2 15” with I7, 16GB RAM and 512GB.The CPU in mine is considered a bit slow now but it drives Lightroom   Topaz Labs AI bundle and the 4K screen very well when travelling for plenty of hours without charge.Its not too heavy either. It could have been lighter but I also need robust. I've added a little Sandisk USB 3.1 256GB flash drive, mouse and extra hub over the years. I haven'rt outgrown it yet.

What did you opt for?

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:30

16GB RAM, i7 processor and SSD as a minimum. As Adrian says a good screen makes a huge difference, plus get a proper screen calibrator (i1 display pro or colourmonki or similar). It's a shame that you can't get such calibrators for the iPhone and iPad too as it irks me when I go to so much trouble to get the colour right and then go to my phone or iPad and it looks different 

JC19 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:31

How would these compare to iMac and Macbook pro for editing?
Ive always used Windows and attempted to move over. Mainly for lightroom use but want to get more into Video too at a later date
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