Xiaomi AMAZFIT Bip with GPS
Really cheap smartwatch (less than £80) with GPS, always-on display and 45-day battery life.This super cheap smartwatch boasts a 45-day battery life (and has GPS)
It even looks good; if you like the Apple Watch.
Available on eBay, Amazon and others. I'll be looking for a Pebble replacement when their servers are finally switched off in June, so this is one that deserves a look ! Hasn't the Pebble firmware been updated so that they no longer require servers? Yes it has, but from what I understand that is so basic functions of the watch can continue like date and time. Recent articles I've read have suggested that even sms notifications will cease to function when the servers are closed. That makes the smart watch just a watch for me as I've really grown to rely on the watch for text message notifications as I have my phone on silent. If call and sms notifications stay after the servers shut then I may keep using it. I can live without some of the other apps, albeit they are nice to have on the watch. Got one and love it! Has anyone bought one of these after having a pebble. I would be interested as to how they compare. And me, doubt I'll be able to find a worthy replacement for my PTS when I'm forced to retire it 