Lightroom Presets.
On another thread I was asked to post links to sites where you can get a whole heap of free presets for lightroom. Some say LR4 but they work on LR5 too. Some sites require a bit of trawling through, but there's some really good ones imo (and some bad ones). Maybe people can keep adding to this as they find more presets?DISCLAIMER: Download these at your own risk, I won't be held responsible for any malware, viruses etc 
Inside Lightroom
Free Presets for Adobe® Lightroom® – onOne Software
Presets | Presets Heaven
Lightroom Presets | Lightroom Killer Tips
Free Lightroom Presets - 15 Must Have Lightroom Presets!
25 Excellent Free Adobe Lightroom Presets | Contrastly
100 More Free Presets for Lightroom - TutsPhoto & Video Article
Free Film Street Photography Presets: Portra 400, Fuji Velvia 400, and Neopan 1600 for Lightroom 5
Weekly Photography Tips: Here are hundreds of free Lightroom presets...
The Best Free Lightroom Presets
Two Free Vintage Presets Lightroom| Free Presets
Products | Free Presets | Instantly Download Free Lightroom Presets lazy sods! Hmmm Novice member bumps 3 year old thread with link to...  Lol, never noticed. But I'm always up for a freebie no matter what the underlying reason  Also just snagged from some Fixyourphoto and David molnar has some free lightroom presets too. And creative taco has lightoom presets that work well. All seem to be working well on the majority of my photos.