Adobe Photoshop
I bought Photoshop Elements18 when the storage & editing software which came with my Olympus EM1 and was fine for my needs stopped working. I have never liked Photoshop and am now thoroughly fed up with them. Recommendations for storage & editing software would be welcome. I've just upgraded from Elements 10 to Premier Elements 2019. It was expensive but I'm happy with it. For storage, Mediafire, YouTube Flikr or Dropbox. If I'm reading this right you were using Olympus Viewer then bought Elements?Have you looked at it's replacement Olympus Workspace?
I'm not a fan but it's free as long as you enter a valid serial number
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/proxy.php?image= Olympus Workspace image editing software Olympus Workspace image editing software - A website that introduces Olympus Workspace image editing software.
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Software Download | Olympus Workspace | OLYMPUS Thanks, I will have a look Lightroom is far betetr than Photoshop. I have a monthly subscription which allows on-going software updates as part of the price Lightroom is great but the monthly subscription quickly mounts up.
Using an E-M1 you could use the last standalone version of Adobe Lightroom 6 if you can find it for sale. That’s what I use with my E-M10ii It does depend on what type of editing you are looking to do.Affinity photo is fantastic for the price and there is a free trial available.Similarly, DXO Photolab 3 has just been released.If you do RAW editing it is excellent, but limited in other areas.Again you can download a free (31 day) trial.
One other recommendation, if you can hold off for a month or two, is to keep an eye on photography magazines.With a bunch of new versions being launched (DXO, Exposure, On1) there is a chance one of the magazines might offer a free download of last year's version of one of them, which could do everything you need.Play with the trials of the different software and you'll have a few months to see if the magazines offer anything. Depends what you are after. I have access to all Adobe software and don't remember last time I used Lightroom. This is an important subject imo. For amateur photographers, who don't edit masses of images regularly, the £11 a month fee is a poor value proposition in my opinion. Adobe have excluded a huge user base with this barrier to entry (though without looking around, I suspect this has been discussed at length around here already). Hello all,
For many years I used one of the Barney Scan (1989) clones, I was bit fed up with the single image, had come across digital art montage, prevaricated for 13 years until 2011 and was able to buy Ps6 & 7 upgrade (2002) s/h for £25 including a licence. Everything that's in BS was there in Ps7 and in the same places.
A few years after I was able to buy into a group licence purchase of Ps13 (CS6) I got it for £120 and am still using it. Not that much different from Ps7, a few more tools and with tabbed images, but most of all really fast and of course everything in the same places.
I have had a go at Lightroom and find that it's nowhere near Ps6 but then in fairness I suppose it's not supposed to be. I've tried various trials of other software purporting to be Ps equivalents and found them to be inferior. In my biased opinion I find Ps to be simple and fast and intuitive, if it wasn't it wouldn't have been at the top of the pile for the last 30 years.
There is of course a sneaky way of reinforcing that reputation and a marketing ploy like no other, bootleg. I worked briefly for a software house and they all said they'd know when they had 'arrived', when someone started giving their stuff away with a 'crack'.